May 12, 2020
CCDF Block Grant is awarded on a need-by-need basis to partnering day care facilities who have various operational, program, and resource requirements to meet the needs of our SCN tribal children attending their schools. The CCDF block grant is awarded to the tribe, which is responsible for distribution of these funds to the qualified purchasing needs of partnering daycares. The beneficiaries are the daycare providers and the tribal member families and children, providing the day care operators a subsidy to make supplies, materials, field trips and playground equipment, available and to support the coordination of educational and resource nights.
The grant is distributed through an application process whereby the partner daycares submit their identified needs to tribal administration. The CCDF department then reviews the cost, verifies the quality of goods being procured by the facility, obtains necessary signature approvals and drafts the associated purchase order. The purchases are then shipped directly to the daycare operator.
The CCDF currently has 260 tribal children in their program who range from birth to 13 years old and actively receive day care subsidy assistance. The average monthly costs of daycare typically ranges between $700-$1100. The CCDF Block Grant funds absorb nearly 85% of our childrens’ daycare tuition costs. For Seneca-Cayuga Nation children who are a part of our child tribal welfare program, their daycare expenses are 100% covered by the grant.
To qualify for the program, the daycare must be contracted with the Seneca-Cayuga Nation to provide services and have at least one tribal member student in their classroom. There are a total of 58 daycares that CCDF and SCN currently have under contract ranging from Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas and Kansas. Requests for partnership can be sent through email, mail, or in person.
To qualify for the daycare assistance: you can visit our website at under Services--Child care--- and you will see the application is online. For any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to call or email our CCDF director, Kylee Williams at: (918) 791-6056.