April 21, 2020
Low-Stress Ways to Make This Bonus Family Time Meaningful
Adding academics, on top of balancing everyone’s needs, work or lack of work, grief, and daily life can seem overwhelming, but what if we chose to look for the positives? Not to deny the hardships, but to find the silver linings to such a destructive virus? There is no doubt that we will all look back on this time and have vivid memories of what life was like at this point in a historical moment. Although we are all experiencing such a drastic change to our daily routines, what if we focused on making the most of our time as a family? We can incorporate learning into our family lives.
Consider a Schedule
This does not need to be much. Even if your schedule is as simple as doing school and chores in the morning and playing outside after lunch and a rest time, having some sort of structure can help reduce anxiety for everyone involved.
Keep a Journal
Have your student keep a journal about what is going on in their lives right now. Reluctant writers might need a daily prompt such as, “What are you enjoying about being home?” “What are you worried about?” “What are you looking forward to most when we get to return from social distancing?” or even “What are your favorite foods, games, movies, etc.”
Play a Card Game
Teach your children a card game that you love or learn a new one together! Games are excellent ways for children to use strategy, practice self control, and strengthen social skills.
Cook a Meal Together
Teach your children basic recipes or a family favorite. Try out a new recipe together. Sneak in some learning! Cooking uses Math and Science! Double or half a recipe and have your student work with the fractions.
Introduce your book lover to a new book or series. If they are a reluctant reader search for something that interests them and allow them to read whatever they enjoy! Read a book together and discuss the characters. What would you do in that situation? Even teenagers can enjoy a family Read-A-Loud. Check with your local library to see what Apps they use for digital loans. Audible has made a collection of children’s stories available for free as long as schools are closed. https://www.audible.com/ep/HP4
Conduct an Interview
Come up with interesting questions to ask a friend or relative from near or far! Ask a grandparent about their childhood, their struggles, and their greatest accomplishments.
Take a Walk
Find time to take a walk or a hike with your family members. This is a great time to have meaningful conversations. Make sure to keep your distance from others, but sunshine and moving your body are good for your heart, lungs, and soul!
Know When You Need Help
Caring for small children can be stressful! Make sure you are taking care of yourself. It’s like an airplane oxygen mask, place your own mask in order to be better able to help those around you! If you find yourself overwhelmed in caring for your children, ask a spouse, partner, family member, or friend for help! Your child’s teacher is likely more than willing to help or advise you regarding their distance learning. They love your child, too!
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