August 11, 2020
Angela Kelley grew up in Tulsa, Oklahoma with a twin sister and a younger brother. Both of her parents were from Seneca, Missouri. She is an enrolled citizen of the Seneca-Cayuga Nation. Kelley attended high school in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Junior College at Bacone College, Muskogee, Oklahoma. She received a Bachelor degree from Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, Oklahoma.
Kelley was an educator for 20 plus years and a Mortgage banker for 14 years in the Tulsa and Oklahoma City areas, when she retired in 2008.
She first began working with tribal communities when she reviewed the Native Head Start programs in the western part of the U.S., on behalf of the national agency, Head Start. Angela began serving the Seneca-Cayuga Tribe, November 2013. She began as the Prevention Coordinator and Case Manager in the Substance Abuse Program (SAP).
Angela currently oversees the Tribal SAP prevention program, Beginning Awareness Basic Education Studies, BABES, which is a program that targets early childhood students, providing prevention and education regarding substance abuse. The mission of the Substance Abuse Program (SAP) is to provide an early childhood prevention program, BABES, in the Delaware, Ottawa, and Craig Counties, first grade classrooms.
Additionally, the SAP prevention program serves school age students in the local Native Learning Centers, providing (SAP) summer camp for 10-13 year old students, and provides prevention and awareness services in the youth Cultural Camp.
When asked what motivates her in drug prevention work she shared: “My immediate family has been affected by substance abuse and this is a way to guide youth away from the dangers of drugs and alcohol.” As a grandma, she feels that serving Tribal children and helping our Tribal members is her long-term goal. The Seneca-Cayuga Nation is making a conscious decision to work proactively at the base level as a prevention method.