March 12, 2020
Members of the Seneca-Cayuga Nation have access to a wide range of services, benefits, and programs. Effective administration of these resources protect, advance and promote the well-being of all Seneca-Cayuga people. The Seneca-Cayuga Business Committee, with oversight of all Nation activities, works closely with the service and program directors to continuously improve the administration of these mission-critical resources. Our goal with publishing this overview is to provide information about the available benefits for members of the Seneca-Cayuga Nation. Chief Fisher, the Business Committee and Directors of the Nation maintain an unwavering commitment to equal access and lawful distribution of our tribal resources through our member benefit programs. We hope you find this information helpful and encourage you to visit us at to learn more and reach out to our respective directors for additional information.
Emergency funds for tribal members, hearing, vision, and dental service assistance, bereavement support and elder funds have all been recently improved. These are core benefits available to any member of the Seneca-Cayuga Nation, regardless of where you live. All funding for these benefits comes from the profits of Grand Lake Casino. In the last three years, MORE THAN $4 Million dollars has been distributed for these core benefits.
Making certain benefits are administered in a way that is fair and consistent has been a priority of our current administration. Prior to September 2018, an elected committee was responsible for the administration of core benefits. In September of 2018, the Business Committee of the Seneca-Cayuga Nation executed the vision to create a Benefits Department. Creating the new department allowed the tribe to establish Government oversight by a professional administrator who is an employee of the Seneca-Cayuga Nation. The new system of administering benefits has several advantages over the previous committee system. Perhaps the most important advantage is the universal application of standards for receiving benefits. When qualifying members of the Seneca-Cayuga Nation property submit applications for funds, they receive their payment when funds are available. Today, more people have access to benefits than ever before. All of our tribal members have equal access to a standard application and all claims applications are paid in the order they are received. While there can be an occasional delay in benefit payments due to funds not yet being available, our priority and focus is paying all benefits as soon as funding is available. Currently, the average processing time between submitting an application and a member claim being paid is three to four months. All tribal members are encouraged to submit applications for funds as soon as the need is identified. Our benefits department is also available to assist members with any questions regarding the application process.
The updated processes for distribution of benefits not only ensures equal access, the standardized payment amounts for each benefit establishes fairness and transparency regarding “who gets how much for what.” Under today’s process, all tribal members receive the same benefit amount for the same need.
Sound record-keeping systems have been established to increase transparency and third party audits of our Seneca-Cayuga Nation Financials, including benefit payouts, are now a standard practice. We are proud to report that our benefits department has passed the annual independent audits with no findings of financial mismanagement or potential fraud every year our current process has been in place. By following these practices, the Seneca-Cayuga Nation leadership is able to obtain accurate information about the number and amount of benefits paid and this information provides the foundation of our yearly operating budget.
Being effective stewards of our tribal resources means we work hard to develop an annual operating budget for our Nation that is realistic and we exercise responsible financial management to sustain the long-term health of the Nation. Our intent is to preserve our ability to pay benefits for our current and future generations for many years to come and steward our resources in such a way that allows us to distribute the greatest amount of benefits to be the most people possible.
The connection between our successful business enterprise and the ability to grow our member benefits is clear. Investing in and developing our enterprise, along with the people responsible for leading them, is a priority. Continuously developing our business allows us to not only sustain, but continue to grow the amount of core benefits that can be distributed to members of our tribe.
We would like to recognize the efforts of our entire staff at the Seneca-Cayuga Nation for their level of care as they go about their work. Our benefits department, tirelessly exhibit the character and hard work required to make certain our distribution of benefits is fair, universal, and helps everyone live better lives.
There are many benefits, services, and programs available to Seneca-Cayuga people. For a full list, see The Benefits Department manages emergency, hearing, optical, dental, bereavement, and elder funds. There are no minimum income requirements, and the following benefits are available:
For people age 0 - 54:
- Emergency expenses: $500 per year
- Minor dental work: $500 per year
- Major dental surgery: $1000 per year
- Vision: $500 per year
- Hearing: $700 per ear, per year (total of $1,400 per year)
For people 55 and older:
- Minor dental work: $500 per year
- Major dental surgery: $1000 per year
- Vision: $500 per year
- Hearing: $700 per ear, per year (total of $1,400 per year)
- Other expenses: $500 per receipt, up to a total of $2,500 per year. Eligible expenses include medical bills, housing costs, and food.
Bereavement benefits:
Up to $6,500.00 is available for funeral expenses. A confirmation of burial from the funeral home must be submitted, and the application must be made within six months of death.
To apply for benefits, follow these steps:
- Download the application from
- Print the form and fill it in.
- When submitting your application, be sure and include the form, a copy of your tribal enrollment card, and a copy of the receipt or invoice to be paid.
- If the service provider is paid directly, they must fill out a W-9, which must be included with the application.
- Submit the applications for benefits by mail, fax, email or by dropping it off in person.
- Applications are processed and paid in the order they are received.
- Benefits are paid as soon as money is available.
Five tips to make your application successful:
- Print as clearly as possible on all paperwork.
- Include an up to date phone number or email address in case there are questions.
- Make sure the application includes the address you want the check sent to.
- Always send in your receipt or invoice.
- Qualification for benefits is not income-based, and all members are encouraged to apply.
If you have questions or need help with any part of the application process, call the Benefits Department at (918)-791-6025.