June 15, 2020
The statistics below are from the 2020 Annual report:
40 Students completed their files and received funding for the Summer 2019 Session. Since Summer Sessions are generally 4-6 weeks in length, $600.00 is disbursed in a one payment to full-time students and a midterm grade is not be required since the Students need their tuition, fees, and books purchased up front. Final grades are the requirement for the Summer Session students.
108 Students completed their files and received funding for the Fall 2019 Semester. The Students were disbursed 600 dollars after the students completed their file. A midterm grade form was initiated and after a student sends in their midterm grades, an additional 600 dollars is disbursed if the student had not dropped and remained in school.
93 Students received their funding for the Spring 2020 Semester. The students were disbursed 600 dollars after the student completed their file. A midterm grade form was initiated and after a student sends in their midterm grades, an additional 600 dollars is disbursed if the student has not dropped and remained in school.
- 14 High School Seniors have currently been funded for Senior graduation related items for the 2019-2020 school year. The High School Senior fund is a one-time assistance of up to 500 dollars for high school graduation/college entry fees. Senior graduation items which are allowable shall include the following: Cap/gown, graduation announcements, senior pictures, class ring, ACT/SAT fees and any other senior related fee associated with college entry.